Thursday, May 8, 2008

Reflections of the Way Life Use To Be

Some of the key learning points that I've taken away include: knowing thy audience and critical thinking helps raise the bar for what works and doesn't work. The former is kind of crazy because before I was victim to assuming that it was easy to determine what the audience wanted. Very foolish on my part, I know. But, after taking 663, I realized that there is a lot more to understanding the audience. No assumptions can be made. The more people of your audience that you talk to, the better because it helps make the general consensus stronger. I'll definitely apply that my health career. Likewise, being critical of what I see in the media really gives me a new respect for the level of skill required to develop effective campaigns. It's important to be mindful and respectful to your TARGET audience and a little thinking outside of the box never hurt anyone either. The group project gave me a taste of both lessons.

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