They say, "A picture is worth a thousand words." But to explain the picture to all those who aren't boxing fans, last Saturday a big fight took place between Kelly Pavlik and Jermain Taylor. Kelly Pavlik is from Ohio. Hillary wanted to make a connection between the audience by showing support for Pavlik (the undefeated champion) hence the boxing gloves and just as Pavlik would win the fight against Taylor, Hillary implies she will do the same with Ohio's help. Yet, with only less than a couple of a weeks away from the Ohio primary, a knock out remains to be seen. But, what I took away from this was just how segmented an audience can be. I mean, just because they're all Democrats doesn't mean they all see things the same way. There's segmentation even in party lines. This is obvious in politics, but it's better illustrated when we pay closer attention to this year's election and evaluate how the Democrat. audience is segmented: working class, union labor, middle class, southwest, northeast, experience, change, boxing fans, non-boxing fans and then there's always race, ethnicity, age, and gender. But, I think the more challenging part to the whole segmentation thing is getting below the surface - understanding the psychographics and behavior of your target audience which presents different challenges depending on your available resources.
it's weird to know that the segment of races that are voting for Hilary and Obama are really apparent.
Obama - upper white class, african americans
Hilary - latinos, asians and working white
The photo of Hilary looks funny. She looks like my boss tho. :)
I think you have touched on a good topic here. What I have always found very interesting about American in general; that after all the past mistakes this country has made and promotion of fairness, America loves to segment and categorize people.
Hillary with the boxing gloves just emphasizes this point in that..I, Hillary, am fighter which should appeal to feminist and blue collar workers of Ohio..
It just shows us sometimes that we haven't learned from our past mistakes...
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